what to get from this?
EIN number , resisted business in USA,
How much time dose it take?
4-6 weeks
Do i need to visit USA in person to register a company?
What information would you require to register my business in united states?
- Proposed company name
- A physical business address (Anywhere in the world)
- A contact phone number
- Your business details
- your services or product details
- Name & details of each partner of the company.
How dose this work?
Within few days after your documents has been submitted you will receive the legal documents
must be electronically signed by every company representative listed. your company won’t be formed until after this process is complete.
Once your company is formed, your company documents will be shared with you.
What kind of documents do I get?
Totally depends on the type of your business.
For LLC you get:
- Certificate of Formation
- Operating Agreement
- Confidential Information and Invention Assignment Agreements (CIIAA)
- IRS form SS-4, to request an EIN for tax-reporting purposes
For C Corporation you get:
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Bylaws for your corporation
- Board Approval of Organizational Resolutions
- IRS form SS-4, to request an EIN for tax-reporting purposes